When you check out, you will not be able to select the sale price. You will be reimbursed $5.00 for every 5 cards you purchase through November 1st if you use Paypal. You may also contact me personally at RachelBalint@yahoo.com to set up payment by check. All checks must be received and cleared before the cards are shipped. Cards will be shipped the same day the check is cleared. Thank you for understanding.
When you check out, you will not be able to select the sale price. You will be reimbursed $5.00 for every 5 cards you purchase through November 1st if you use Paypal. You may also contact me personally at RachelBalint@yahoo.com to set up payment by check. All checks must be received and cleared before the cards are shipped. Cards will be shipped the same day the check is cleared. Thank you for understanding.